Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. All others seem to be safe for edible and medicinal uses. The plant is often thought to be the mallow mentioned in the book of job, and the name jews. Support for an expanded family concept of malvaceae within a recircumscribed order malvales. Malvaceae is a family which shows characteristic features like, monoadelphous condition, twisted aestivation of petals, monothecous anthers link to the onlin. Malvaceae, the hibiscus, or mallow, family order malvales containing some 243 genera and at least 4,225 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees. The family consists of about 85 genera and 1500 species among which 111 species found in india. Malvaceae mallow family arizonasonora desert museum. If looking for information about the traditional malvaceae s. A list of all accepted names in malvaceae is available in csv format. Species of malvaceae contained within the plant list belong to 236 plant genera. Classification for kingdom plantae down to family malvaceae. The family malvaceae comprises of an accepted 246 genera of over 4000 species that occur as herbaceous, shrubs.
Malvaceae, or the mallows, is a family of flowering plants estimated to contain 244 genera with. The plants are almost cosmopolitan in distribution but many of which are confined to tropics and subtropics. Marshmallow was originally derived from a type of hollyhock. Mallow flowers are easily recognized by the filaments, which are united into a tube surrounding the style. The mallow family malvaceae is a diverse group of flowering plants distributed nearly worldwide. Sida asiatica l kanski, indian mallow, country mallow. It is commonly called cotton family or mallow family. Malvaceae mallow family the mallows number about 1500 species worldwide. The plant list includes 14,258 scientific plant names of species rank for the family malvaceae. Familiar examples include hibiscus, cotton, okra, and hollyhock. The malvaceae info web site provides information, both botanical and horticultural, on the angiosperm family malvaceae sensu apg which includes the. Circumscription of malvaceae malvales as determined by a. Wellknown members of economic importance include okra, cotton, cacao and durian. These are shown by red, orange, green, cyan, and blue cells respectively.
There are also some genera containing familiar ornamentals, such as alcea hollyhock, malva mallow and lavatera. Representatives occur in all except the coldest parts of the world but are most numerous in the tropics. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new. Malvaceae, commonly known as the baobab tree, is native to africa. The families most commonly recognised were malvaceae, bombacaceae, sterculiaceaes, byttneriaceae and tiliaceae.
Taxonomy and traditional medicine practices on the family malvaceae growing throughout the rajshahi, bangladesh was carried out during july 2008 to june 2009. Hollyhock, hibiscus, and cotton are members of this family. Malvaceae, or the mallows, is a family of flowering plants estimated to contain 244 genera with 4225 known species. Taxonomy and traditional medicine practices on malvaceae.
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